
Two people in white Caritas tshirts smiling at camera. They are wearing backpack flags that say Caritas on them.


Current Fundraising Events

Back of runner in red Caritas branded tshirt
Six people with arms held up in celebration. All wearing Caritas Salford branded running vests or tshirts and Great Manchester Run medals

Current Fundraising Events

We have loads of fundraising events and activities you can be part of…

…from walks to runs, and so much more!

Why not take a look now and choose the perfect event for you?

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Need more information?

Call 0161 817 2281/0161 817 2285

Current Fundraising Events

DiSAN Meetings

Think Differently About ‘Disability’ Session

Deaf Awareness Session

Welcoming People With Dementia Session

Neurodiversity Awareness Session

The Wider Impact Of Learning Differently Session

Introduction to Sighted Guide Training (1 hour, online)

Introduction to Sighted Guide Training (3 hour, in person)

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