We operate services with the help of funds donated from our wonderful supporters. If you prefer to make a gift in-kind or collect practical goods, please choose from our list of urgently needed essentials.
Gift in wills

Did you know that gifts left to Caritas Salford in Wills are incredibly important, and help us to continue providing our services to support local people at a time they need us most?
While many of us don’t want to think about it, or put it off for another day, making a Will and letting those closest to you know your wishes is vital – it is also usually a really straightforward process that doesn’t take much time to do, and is the only charitable gift that costs you nothing at all today.
When making a gift in their Will to charities like ours, many people believe that the amount left has to be significant to have an impact.
We know that’s not the case. In fact, just 1% left to a charity like Caritas Salford after your loved ones have been provided for, can make a huge difference to our work – and most importantly a huge difference to the lives of people in the communities we support across the diocese.
Will you please remember a charity in your Will this year?
To make a gift in your Will, all you need is our charity name – Caritas Diocese of Salford – and our registered charity number – 1125808. Your solicitor should be able to do the rest, and it usually only takes a few minutes.
There are lots of reasons to write a Will, often prompted by an event like the loss of a loved one, the birth of a child, marriage, purchasing property, or wanting to ensure those closest to you inherit and know your wishes.
When the time is right for you, please do consider remembering Caritas Salford too. Your kindness would make a huge, huge difference. Thank you.
If you need any support, have decided to leave a gift in your Will to our charity, or have any queries at all, please do get in touch. We’d love to hear from you, and to keep you updated about what we’re achieving currently, and our plans for the future.
Call Rachel Taylor on 0161 817 2285 or email her at legacy@caritassalford.org.uk

Where your money goes
It costs £12,000 per day to provide the level of service and support being delivered in Caritas projects across Greater Manchester and Lancashire.
Which means that everyone who needs it is able to access urgent practical help required, as well as any advice and support that will help them for the long term.
Every single donation matters because it means nobody is turned away or left behind.
These are just some examples of how your donation could be used to provide critical support – right now – or help someone begin to transform their own life with dignity.
£110could provide a weekly food shop for a family in crisis
£250could provide items for wellbeing activities programmes like cookery, art, sport or music
£350could provide everything needed for a raised bed or plot in our community allotment, such as plants, tools, clothing and compost
£1,500could provide a room for a year for someone, preventing them becoming homeless
£1,500could provide English lessons for a refugee or migrant person as they move towards employment, volunteering or training
How we help – Michael’s story
Michael decided he wants to leave a lasting legacy so has kindly remembered our charity with a gift in his Will.

Other ways to donate
Give thanks for special occasions, everyday blessings and prayers answered, whilst supporting local people in crisis. Give the world something to celebrate.
There are many ways you can remember someone special and know that you are supporting people in our local communities facing poverty, disadvantage, homelessness and isolation. For those who share our love and concern for others, make a donation to help transform lives today as a lasting tribute.