Young Parents’ Accommodation Blackburn

Our Young Parents’ Accommodation provides high-quality, safe, supported accommodation for young parents and their children, at a time in their life when they are vulnerable and need a period of stability. Our team helps them prepare for independent living, providing a safe, nurturing environment where young mothers and fathers can develop parenting skills to enable their babies to thrive.

Wooden table with bee happy sign and sunflowers

adults and children safely accommodated in our Young Parents’ Accommodations last year, with a support plan in place..


nights of accommodation provided by our two Young Parents’ Accommodations last year.


babies born to mothers staying in our accommodations last year and supported through pregnancy and beyond.

toys on carpet including stacking cups and books

We have two accommodation services for young parents – one in Blackburn and the other in Bolton.

While they predominantly support young women aged 18-30 years and their babies up to the age of two years, we’ve also been able to provide safe refuge for single fathers and young couples in our family room.

The support we provide enables young families to develop confidence and their abilities, working alongside them so they can transform their lives with dignity.

We work closely with partners across Greater Manchester and Lancashire, including local authorities, voluntary and statutory bodies and regularly contribute to safeguarding assessments to ensure children are protected.

Working with others in this way ensures a strong multi-agency approach, helping ensure a comprehensive, safe and effective service that can have a huge impact on the lives of the families we support.

Our work seeks to help the young parents and their families to move on from our temporary accommodation to safe, secure permanent homes in their community, ready for independent living.

room with black sofa and cushion TV on wall and storage with pink drawer -and toys

Help us to support even more young families and their babies now by sponsoring a room:

Sponsor a Room

“I would not have got through this without all your help. Thank you so much for everything you’ve done for me and my baby.”

Mum accessing our Young Parents’ Accommodation service

Help more people to access the support they need now:


childs leg in black leggings and white trainers with toys on carpet

Where to find us

Telephone: 01254 681 484


Opening hours: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

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