What are Cookies?
Cookies are small text files stored on your computer when you visit certain pages on this website. Cookies do not harm your computer and we do not store any sensitive information such as credit card details. To use certain functionality on the website, including any personalised features you will need to have Cookies enabled.
We use the following types of Cookies:
Strictly Necessary Cookies:
These are Cookies that are required for the performance of the website; for example to log into the secure areas of the site.
Functionality or Session Cookies:
These are Cookies which identify user sessions on the website. These are anonymous and cannot identify you personally.
Analytical/Performance Cookies:
These are Cookies which enable us to count the visitor numbers to our website and how it is used to help us improve the site.
Cookies used in marketing emails:
Our emails contain a number of hyperlinks, some of which have a unique tag. When you click on one of these links you will be re-directed to the relevant page on our website. This enables us to capture email click-through to our website and we may use this information to tailor marketing messages to you.
Third Party Cookies:
From time to time we may enter relationships with third parties who may also set Cookies during your visit to our website to be used to track visitors to our website or for remarketing purposes. You can opt out by contacting them at any time. Please note we are not responsible for the content of external websites. Examples of third party sites we work with are: Mailchimp Intuit: https://www.intuit.com/privacy/statement/; Donorfy: https://donorfy.com/privacynotice/; Assemble: https://www.theaccessgroup.com/en-gb/privacy-notice/; and Citrus Recruitment: https://citrushr.com/privacy-policy/; JustGiving: https://www.justgiving.com/about/info/privacy-policy/privacy-policy-v30; MuchLoved: https://www.muchloved.com/gateway/privacy-policy/
You can find out more about the types of Cookies we use below:
LinkedIn Insight:
A lightweight Javascript snippet that drops a Cookie on your we browser whenever you visit our website.
Google remarketing Cookies:
This suite of Cookies enables the functions of Google remarketing Cookies.
Blocking or deleting Cookies:
If you wish to delete or block Cookies, the ‘Help’ menu on your browser will enable you to do this. You should be aware that you will lose some features and functionality of the website if you do so.
In additions to the help menu on your browser, more information can be found at: www.allaboutcookies.org and http://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout
If you require any further information on our Privacy Policy (link) or Cookies, please email us at comms@caritassalford.org.uk