Free webinar: Welcoming Classrooms

Date Published: 01 Jul 2024
lady in striped tshirt smiles at woman whose face isnt visible. Both are working on laptop on table

With much uncertainty and turmoil in the world, the numbers of adults and children seeking a safe place to call home in the North West is more than 18,000 people (statistics from the North West Regional Strategic Migration Partnership and based on March 2023 figures from the UK Government’s asylum dataset).  

In our work across Greater Manchester and Lancashire, we support many of those families who have been displaced – removed from their home and all that is familiar to them, and forced to seek a new life in an unfamiliar place.  

Our School Service team works alongside many schools across the diocese who have welcomed children from a refugee background, and helps them to integrate and support their diverse needs.  

To mark World Day of Migrants and Refugees, our charity, in partnership with the Caritas Social Action Network, will be hosting a national webinar aimed at supporting schools as they welcome refugee children into their community.   

The webinar will take place on Wednesday 25 September at 4pm.  

The ‘Welcoming classrooms: Promoting and supporting integration and wellbeing of refugee children in schools’ online event will seek to equip school leaders, teachers and other staff with the knowledge, skills and resources to effectively support children who are refugees or seeking asylum.    

By engaging with expert insights and practical strategies, attendees will gain a deeper understanding of the unique challenges faced by children and young people and gain an overview of how to create inclusive, supportive learning environments where every child can thrive.  

The session will also include input from Catherine Gladwell, chief executive of Refugee Education UK, who will outline themes around understanding the nature and extent of the challenges refugee children face in the education system.  She will also share findings from research into policy and practice changes that could lead to better educational outcomes for young refugees, as well as signposting to exciting new professional development resources.   

The event will also touch on additional practical recommendations when dealing with collaboration or engagement with statutory agencies, local authorities, charities and NGOs, as well as the funding of places and meals, and helpful toolkits, training and resources.  

Patrick O’Dowd, our director, said: “We have decades of experience working alongside schools and know that school leaders, governors, teachers and other staff have a lot to navigate in their everyday lives.  Their work is extremely busy and our aim with this webinar is to give them a helpful overview when it comes to helping refugee children and their families to integrate into the school community.    

“It will hopefully answer some of the questions they have when it comes to supporting refugee children and young people and provide them with the tools and resources they need to make their work alongside families even more effective, efficient and, most importantly, to enable children who have often experienced significant levels of trauma to settle more quickly and achieve their maximum potential.”  

The webinar is aimed at teachers, school leaders, school family support workers, social workers, counsellors, therapists and governors as well as members of the Caritas Social Action Network and diocesan teams from across the UK. Clergy and others involved in supporting people in their local community would also find the session beneficial.  

All are welcome to join the free webinar.  To book a place or find out more, visit  

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