Top ten energy saving tips for your home

Date Published: 16 Oct 2024
Top of a radiator with coins on it

Did you know we run an energy advice service which aims to help people to make their home more energy efficient and reduce energy bills, contributing to a greener environment and the protection of our common home?

As the weather starts to get colder, more of us are considering that it’s time to put on the heating, but as the cost-of-living crisis continues, it can be hard to know the most cost-effective ways of managing your energy consumption or improving costs. 

Here, we outline some top energy saving tips for your home… 

(*Remember, total savings may vary depending on your personal usage and circumstances.  For more information about how you can get personalised advice or support from our team or specialists, scroll to the bottom of this page.)


Energy saving tips for your home 

  1. Turn off appliances on standby
    Avoid leaving appliances on standby mode. This simple action can save you up to £55 per year*. 
  2. Shorten shower time
    Reducing your shower time to four minutes can lead to annual savings of approximately £65*. 
  3. Wash clothes at lower temperatures
    Running your washing machine at a lower temperature is a simple way to conserve energy and cut costs. 
  4. Avoid overfilling the kettle
    Only boil the water you need. Overfilling the kettle wastes both water and energy. 
  5. Set heating temperature efficiently
    Aim to keep your heating temperature set at 60°C* to maintain comfort while minimising energy use.
  6. Adjust hot water temperature on the combi boiler (Note that some households may require a lower setting depending on their specific needs.)
    For optimal energy efficiency, set your combi boiler hot water temperature to 55°C*.
  7. Set hot water cylinder temperature
    For homes with hot water cylinders, setting the temperature to 60°C* ensures energy-efficient heating while maintaining hygiene standards. 
  8. Switch to LED bulbs
    Replacing incandescent bulbs with LED alternatives can save up to £75 a year*. LEDs are far more energy-efficient and have a significantly longer lifespan. 
  9. Use a programmable thermostat
    Set your thermostat to operate only when you’re at home and awake. Lowering the thermostat by just 1°C can save up to 10% on your annual heating costs*. Additionally, reduce heating in unused rooms. 
  10. Insulate hot water cylinders
    Proper insulation of your hot water cylinder helps to retain heat, reducing the amount of energy needed to maintain water temperature. 


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Person in jumper warming hands on radiator

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