Celebrating a blooming brilliant award
Meaningful outdoor activities can take place all year round at our projects across Greater Manchester and Lancashire.
It is a well-known fact that being outside in nature is good for your health – physically, mentally and spiritually – and the people who access support in this way continue to provide feedback that it’s been so helpful for their wellbeing.
One of the people who comes along to sessions at our Lalley community allotment said, when reflecting on their time with us: “It’s kept me off my addiction and I’ve had more confidence. I’ve met a bunch of beautiful people who are really nice, we’re like a team now. It’s my favourite day of the week, I feel like real calm, my anxiety goes, I don’t have all that tension.”
This week, we had a ‘blooming’ great surprise, when our gardening group at our Caritas Cornerstone and Morning Star services were rewarded for their hard work.
People involved in the activities at the services, which support local people experiencing homelessness or at risk of becoming homeless, were honoured with an Outstanding Award at the RHS North West in Bloom celebration.
The group has created a lovely colourful garden at the site in Denmark Road in Manchester and has transformed part of the car park into a community garden growing flowers and fruit, as well as being home to a relaxing seating area for visitors to enjoy.
The gardening group is part of our healthy activity programme which is helping to improve the physical and mental health of people who are homeless or threatened with homelessness.
Well done to everyone involved. It’s blooming brilliant news!
To find out more about our services or how to get support, visit this page on our website: www.caritassalford.org.uk/how-we-help/
To make a donation in support of our work, please visit this page: www.caritassalford.org.uk/donate/