Service Christmas opening times
Below is information on our service opening times over the Christmas period 2024:
24 December: Open as usual and serving Christmas lunch
25 December: Open from 9.30am to 1pm with activities taking place. Breakfast will be served in the morning and Christmas lunch served at 12noon
26 December: Closed
27 December: Open as usual
30 December: Open as usual
31 December: Open as usual
1 January: Closed
2 January: Open as usual
Red Door:
23 December: Open as usual including a Christmas party and buffet lunch
24 December: Open as usual
25 December: Closed
26 December: Open from 9.30am to 1pm for cooked breakfast, bingo and lunch which will be served at 12noon
27 December: Open as usual
30 December: Open as usual
31 December: Open as usual
1 January: Closed
2 January: Open as usual
Homeless service accommodation projects:
All our accommodation projects will remain open throughout the Christmas and New Year operating our usual service with some extra support and appropriate celebrations for our residents.
The Lalley Centre, community pantry and allotment:
14 December: Festive fair from 12noon to 3pm
Closed from 3pm on 23 December, reopening on 6 January.
Aspire education:
Classes run until 19 December and restart from 6 January.
Accessibility service:
24 December: Open as usual
25 December: Closed
26 December: Closed
27 December: Open as usual
30 December: Open as usual
31 December: Open as usual
1 January: Closed
2 January: Open as usual
Energy advice service:
Energy advice can still be sought by email and phone over the Christmas period (excluding bank holidays). (Please note no presentations or home visits will take place between 23 December and 2 January)
School service:
Closed from Friday 20 December. Reopens Monday 6 January.
Crisis or urgent support:
For donations and fundraising queries: Please note our website donate form is available as usual. We can accept phone calls until 5pm on Christmas Eve and again from 9am on 2 January. Please email if you’d like us to call you on our return on 2 January.
Thank you for your all your support this year. If you wish to find out more about how you can help all year round please visit the Get Involved section of our website.
We wish you a very happy Christmas and all the best for 2025.