Policy and advocacy
Tackling poverty and its causes underpins all our work, service provision and advocacy.
Influencing and advocating for change
We’re proud to call for a better, more just world where the voices of people positively influence the systems, decisions and resources that affect those most in need.
Our policy work and campaigns are rooted in our experience of accompanying and listening to people who access our services.
Our aim
Our vision is for an equal and just society, where the voices of those experiencing poverty, disadvantage and/or discrimination are heard, valued and acted upon. Our mission is to protect and promote human dignity for all.
Our services are largely focused on helping children and families, those experiencing homelessness and people seeking refuge and asylum in the UK, as well as highlighting the needs of people who are marginalised in other ways. This focus shapes our insights and our campaign work.
Our core policy and advocacy priorities
It is unacceptable to us that many individuals, families and children are living in poverty across Greater Manchester and East Lancashire, are without a home, sleeping rough or excluded in other ways. We want to ensure safe and legal routes for seeking safety in the UK, including practical support for integration.
We have identified five areas for change to create long-term sustainable solutions to tackle poverty, homelessness and disadvantage.
We work to ensure people have appropriate, safe housing. Having a secure home provides a sense of personal dignity and allows families and individuals to flourish. Too many people in Greater Manchester and Lancashire are homeless.
We are fighting for:
- the end of unsupported temporary (bed and breakfast) accommodation for families and single homeless people.
- an end to rough sleeping and the use of night shelters and shared sleeping spaces.
- reforming the private rented sector, ensuring it provides secure, good quality accommodation at an affordable price for all.
- a government commitment to build, protect and increase the quantity of good quality, environmentally sustainable and truly affordable social housing.
Access to essential services
We work to remove barriers to accessing crucial services for people who may be marginalised. By crucial services, we refer to services which support health, wellbeing, personal development and positive integration into communities.
We are fighting for:
- increased access to health and social care services for anyone facing homelessness.
- better access to mental health services and emotional support for children.
- accessible and appropriate health services for refugees and people seeking asylum.
- increased access and availability to crucial services such as English to Speakers of Other Languages classes for refugees and people seeking asylum.
Prevention and early help
We believe in putting into place sustainable long-term strategies and preventative measures. We are advocating to improve access to early help for people who are experiencing difficulties.
We are fighting for:
- a strategic approach to tackling poverty.
- access to early help for children facing emotional or behavioural difficulties in schools, to increase educational participation and attainment.
- a greater focus on homelessness prevention strategies and resources.
- access to safe, legal routes of migration that prioritises and protects human dignity.
Removing stigma and discrimination
We believe that people should be able to live free from discrimination. We encourage communities to heighten awareness of the barriers many people face and the need to act with compassion and dignity towards all people.
We are fighting for:
- a positive change in perceptions and attitudes towards social work interventions for children.
- an end to the discrimination faced by people who are experiencing homelessness and increased public awareness and understanding of the true picture of homelessness in the UK.
- increased public awareness and understanding about migration and life in the UK as a refugee or person seeking asylum and the extent of poverty and its impacts.
- the implementation of ‘Poverty Proofing’ strategies in schools, to identify and remove barriers that prevent children from fully participating in school and reduce the stigma around poverty.
We are working to remove barriers and ensure accessibility and participation in all aspects of society for all individuals across Greater Manchester and Lancashire. We believe that making this happen is everyone’s responsibility.
Our approach is underpinned by model of Universal Design. This means we seek to design and deliver our services in a way that can be easily accessed and understood by as many people as possible, without the need for further ‘special’ adjustments. We firmly believe that ensuring our services are accessible, functional convenient and a pleasure to use will ultimately benefit everyone.
We are fighting for:
- the implementation of the Human Rights model of ‘disability’, which recognises disability as natural diversity of humanity, where a disability should no be used as an excuse or reason to exclude and that a person with a disability or access needs has the same rights and choices as others.
- a safe removal of barriers which exclude people from participating fully in society.
- accessibility to be everyone’s responsibility.
“Thank you so much for everything you have all done for me, it’s really appreciated. I have felt safe, secure and blessed to have been here.”
Person accessing our services
Take action in your community
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Your action, however big or small, really can change lives.