Welcome to our new website – what’s new?

We’re really excited to have launched our brand new website. Here, our director Patrick explains more about what you can expect to find here, and why it’s so important…
Websites are something we all take for granted. Most of us use them every day, whether for shopping, finding directions or seeing what’s going on in the news.
But, for people in the Caritas community, the website is, at times, even more important.
It can show them how and where they can access support, signposting them at times of crisis and reassuring them that someone is there to help when they need it.
It can help guide them to which services might be right for them and offer resources and information at a time they need it most.
Our website has been long-overdue a refresh and we’re really proud to have been able to deliver this new site – a place that will hopefully develop into a helpful hub for people across Greater Manchester and Lancashire.
People who come to us when experiencing poverty, homelessness, isolation or discrimination need not only support, but often require clear signposting, useful resources, and also to hear stories of other people who have been in the same position they are currently in.
Not only do our teams support them with these things in person, but also need a place to point them to online as well. A hub of information so individuals can be empowered to pick and choose the information and services that work best for them.
We want our new site to be a place that people can trust and come to time and again – whether for details of what’s going on, events they can get involved in or ways they can help people in their local community.
But it is also, hopefully, an extension of our wider Caritas community too. A place for people across Greater Manchester and Lancashire to find ways to help people locally who are experiencing poverty, isolation, homelessness and disadvantage.
As a charity, it’s also an important place for our supporters to come and find out more about our work. It’s a place where people can pledge support, make a donation, or find out more about our advocacy work. We’re proud to shout loudly and advocate for tangible change in the areas we work in and we’re looking forward to sharing more news of our campaigns too.
We’ve got a brand-new resources hub which we’ll be adding to in the coming weeks and months, plus new sections that guide you through ways you can get involved, whether on your own or with your school, parish, community group or place of work.
Being inclusive is an important focus of everything we’re trying to do, which is why our new website has been designed with accessibility in mind. Working with colleagues involved in accessibility, we have tried to ensure that our website is a welcoming and user-friendly space for people with diverse needs.
From intuitive navigation and clear, concise content to adjustable font sizes and high-contrast colour schemes, we’ve implemented a range of features to cater to various requirements. This is just the beginning of our ongoing commitment to accessibility, as we continue to learn, improve, and ensure that our digital presence reflects the diversity of the community we serve.
We’ll continue to develop and add to the site, so please do let us know if you have any thoughts, feedback or if there’s anything you’d like to see here too. You’re very welcome here and we hope you enjoy looking around and finding out more about our work across Greater Manchester and Lancashire. Thanks for being part of our Caritas Salford community.
Patrick O’Dowd,