Bonkers about bungee or impassioned about inflatables…?

Date Published: 06 Feb 2024
Two girls climbing over yellow and blue inflatable obstacle

Are you an adrenaline seeker? Whether you’re bonkers about bungee, impassioned about inflatables, or know just how wonderful wild swimming can be…why not take on one of our exciting challenges to help local people experiencing acute crisis?

Person's head in swimming cap and arm raised as swimming a stroke. In lake with trees in the background.

This year, we’re asking you to consider taking on a challenge – be it mental or physical – that pushes you out of your comfort zone. Whether it’s running, holding a bake sale or a quiz-athon, anything goes!

Table of cakes and biscuits set out for sale

However you choose to take part in our Every Step challenge, you know that every step you take to achieve it really will make a massive difference to the lives of local people.

Patrick O’Dowd, our director, said: “It’s completely shocking at the moment how many people are facing poverty, experiencing homelessness or at risk of homelessness, or are needing support against discrimination. Thousands and thousands of people across Greater Manchester and Lancashire come to us for help and we are only able to work alongside them thanks to the kind support of local communities.

“With the cost-of-living crisis and the cold winter adding to the difficulties people are experiencing, many are facing acute crisis that they never imagined would happen to them. Families and individuals are struggling to have enough food or a safe, secure place to call home and we want to be there for as many people who need us as possible.

“As a charity we’re not immune to the rising costs either, like many organisations, and delivering our services, keeping the lights and heating on in our day centres, ensuring we have food to be able to provide to those who need it is increasingly difficult.

“Anyone who takes part in Every Step and raises funds, however big or small the challenge might be, will be not only gaining a huge sense of achievement in completing the goal or event they’ve chosen, but will also – vitally – be helping local people to literally transform their lives.

“We never take the support we receive for granted, so thank you in advance for taking part. We’d love to hear about the challenges you’re taking on.”

There are a range of Every Step challenges and people are also encouraged to create their own challenge too.

Find out more on the Every Step website page and sign up now.

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