
Learning Disability Session

Hands reaching out together


Learning Disability Session

Where and when:

Wednesday 18 June 2025, time and location to be confirmed

About this session:

This session will take place during Learning Disability Week (16-22 June 2025) and will raise awareness of learning disability and the positive contributions that people make. 

This will include a performance by MENCAP’s Rhode’s Bank Choir and input from Rebecca Lunnass.   

The session is a good opportunity to ask questions to experts by experience without judgment.

Book your place or get in touch

Book a place now using this form.

This session is open to anyone, but if you have any accessibility needs you would like to let us know beforehand, please do email accessibility@caritassalford.org.uk  

For more information on the accessibility service and contact information to get in touch with Minna with any queries about this or other sessions, please visit the service page on our website. 


At Caritas, we believe that everyone should have opportunity to participate in all activities. This includes people who use our services, employees and volunteers. 

Together we will work alongside individuals to find inclusive ways of working that suit them best.  We seek to welcome, integrate, and support the participation of all people by making our projects accessible.  If you face barriers because of your physical, mental and emotional, learning, sensory and/or communications needs, please let us know.  

Hand above dice which read 'clusion'. The first two dice are being touched by the fingers which are showing on one side 'in' so the word would read 'inclusion' and the other side 'ex' so the word would read 'exclusion'

Current Fundraising Events

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Introduction to Sighted Guide Training (3 hour, in person)

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